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 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.

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Silas V. Wentz
Silas V. Wentz
when you were young.

messages : 58
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Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
MessageSujet: Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.   Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. EmptyMar 2 Avr - 17:46

Silas Viennes Wentz
So give me something to believe in

NOM Wentz PRÉNOMS Silas Viennes. ÂGE 26 ans. DATE ET LIEU DE NAISSANCE 11 janvier à Hill Valey, Australie. ORIGINE Australiennes. ACTIVITÉ PROFESSIONNELLE Musicien. STATUT CIVIL Célibataire. J'AIME La musique - l'été - le chocolat noir. JE DÉTESTE le métro - les cimetières - le mardi. TRAITS DE CARACTÈRE Rieur - Attentionné - Fidèle - Colérique - Têtu GROUPE Love the way you lie.

Le matin, il mange un bol de céréales et bois un verre de jus d'orange; s'il n'y en a pas, il passera une sale journée ♣️ Il porte toujours ses lunettes de soleil quand il sort dans la rue ♣️ Il travaille dans un studio d'enregistrement et y joue un peu de tout de plus, il lui arrive de bosser au théâtre pour l'une ou l'autre représentation ♣️ Il ne boit aucune boisson pétillante, les bulles ça le dégoûte ♣️ Il ne fume pas beaucoup ♣️ La vie en colocation lui plaît assez ♣️ Prend des nouvelles de sa famille assez souvent, pour éviter qu'ils ne paniquent

⊱ now you're just somebody that i used to know.

Le bébé pleurait comme tous les bébés à la naissance, il balançait ses petits bras dans tous les sens et se débattait face à cette titanesque main gantée qui venait de l’attraper comme le boucher chope la cuisse de grenouille. Les parents, émerveillés et fatigués par l’arrivée du petit, retenaient mal leur hâte et leur joie. Le père, chancelant, alla s’asseoir sur une chaise toute proche. Devenir papa, c’est une grande étape dans une vie ! Surtout quand on n’est quelqu’un de sérieux et impliqué comme l’était Silvius Wentz. Enora Wentz tendit les bras, réclamant son enfant. Le médecin lui apporta le bébé qui maintenait les paupières closes, choses normales à ce stade de sa croissance. Au contact de sa mère, il se calma peu à peu. Quelques heures plus tard, la petite famille se réjouissait tranquillement dans la chambre d’hôpital.

Un bruit lourd et étouffé résonna dans la chambre numéro vingt-six, le docteur Meest qui passait dans le couloir à cet instant fut interpellé par ce son et accourut. La silhouette de la jeune mère, tremblante, se cramponnait à la table disposée contre le mur. Son regard était tourné vers le bébé, sagement allongé dans son berceau. Comme les deux nuits précédentes, il avait dormi sans réellement se réveiller. C’était un enfant sage et les infirmières prédisaient beaucoup de chance à la jeune maman qui n’aurait pas à passer de longues nuits à veiller sur un enfant impossible à vivre. Le docteur s’approcha d’un pas supplémentaire et soudain, il les vit. Les petits yeux du bambin étaient comme recouverts d’un voile transparent. Leur bleu était plus clair que jamais, d’un bleu presque translucide. Sa main se posa en douceur sur l’épaule d’Enora Wentz, celle-ci fondit en sanglots. Silas ne verrait jamais le monde dans lequel il allait vivre …


- Je ne veux pas qu’il aille à l’école ! Il est très bien ici, avec nous. Et puis … on gagne largement assez pour lui payer un professeur particulier, on n’a pas besoin de le confronter à ce monde de brutes et d’enfoirés !

Silvius tendit les bras, prit les poignets d’Enora dans ses paumes et l’attira contre lui. Cela faisait deux ans que leur fils devrait être à l’école, à jouer parmi les autres enfants de son âge et à se développer dans un groupe. Mais la crainte du rejet avait poussé sa mère a le garder auprès d’elle, elle voulait lui éviter les moqueries, l’incompréhension et le mal-être que tout ça finirait par lui causer. Mais Silvius n’était pas de cet avis, à garder Silas cloîtré chez eux à l’abri des regards, ils en faisaient un double de la créature du docteur Frankestein … ça n’était pas du tout sain comme comportement.

Perché sur le dernier escalier, Silas les écoutait discuter. Son père était diplomate, calme et compréhensif. Il écoutait les réfutations de sa mère, parvenait à la tempérer quand elle se mettait à hurler que jamais personne ne ferait de mal à son bébé. Plus tard, il voulait être comme son papa. Aider les gens et leur faire comprendre ce qui était le mieux pour eux. C’est peu à peu que Silvius parvint à remporter cette bataille. Il avait laissé deux ans de sursis à sa femme pour jouer à la mère poule mais l’heure était venue de laisser leur fils rencontrer le monde extérieur. Sa cécité n’était une tare que parce qu’ils l’avaient décidé ! Pour Silas, c’était son quotidien. La différence avec les gens ayant perdu la vue au cours d’un accident était que lui, n’avait jamais bénéficié de ce sens et ne pouvait donc déplorer une chose dont il n’avait la moindre connaissance. Ses mains se baladèrent sur le mur et il s’y cramponna, tirant sur les bras pour se relever. Il retourna silencieusement dans sa chambre et se hissa sur le lit, s’enroulant dans les couvertures. Le lendemain, il irait à l’école.


- Tu joues super bien !

Le piano s’arrêta, la musique se tut tout à coup tandis que le bruit des talons qui claquent sur le sol se rapprochait. Silas avait tendu l’oreille, dans l’espoir de reconnaître ce timbre de voix qui était parvenu jusqu’à lui … mais non. C’était une fille, une adolescente de son âge s’il en croyait ces petites notes fluettes qui s’évadaient de sa bouche. Il ne savait encore d’elle qu’une chose : elle sentait divinement bon. Venue s’asseoir à ses côtés sur le petit tabouret, son parfum entourait entièrement Silas. Il haussa négligemment les épaules en guise de réponse à ce que la fille lui avait dit. Elle lui donna un léger coup d’épaule, percutant le bras osseux du garçon et lui murmura sur un ton taquin :

- Mais je joue mieux !

Les pieds de la jeune fille chassèrent ceux de Silas des pédales sous le piano et ses mains s’emparèrent des phalanges du garçon pour les ôter des touches. Ce furent les doigts de la miss qui coururent sur le clavier en effleurent les touches et en créant une mélodie envoûtante. Elle était douée, c’était clair qu’elle le dépassait largement. Silas entendit la dernière note se briser dans l’air et il conclut simplement :

- T’es juste venue me ridiculiser donc ?

Elle pouffa de rire, se leva du tabouret et se plaça dans son dos. Elle profitait du fait qu’il ne puisse la voir pour tournoyer derrière lui, dessinant des cercles sur le sol avec ses talons cliquetant sur le bois. Silas se retourna pour faire face à la jeune fille, sa main droite se tendit et il toucha le bras de la demoiselle, elle lui prit la main et il se leva aussitôt pour qu’ils puissent marcher. Elle ne lui prit pas le bras comme le faisaient les autres, elle captura sa paume et entrelaça leurs doigts. Ils quittèrent la pièce et sortirent, le vent froid leur cracha dessus. Quelques bruits se succédèrent : des doigts qui fouillent dans la poche, un objet hissé hors du tissu, les lèvres qui s’entrouvrent. La flamme s’alluma subitement et une odeur de brûlé accompagné des effluves du tabac attaquèrent les narines de Silas.

- Tu veux ?

Il acquiesça, elle la lui coinça entre les lèvres et ne lui octroya qu’une seule taffe. Le reste, elle en profita seule. Adossés au mur, main dans la main, ils restèrent là un long moment tandis qu’elle fumait tranquillement sa clope. Enfin, elle la laissa tomber et ses talons assassins écrasèrent les dernières lueurs rougeâtres sur la cigarette. Elle lui murmura quelques mots et déposa sur ses lèvres le premier baiser d’une longue série.


- Vous jouez du piano, du violon, de la guitare et de la basse. Très bien, vous parlez l’anglais, le français et le russe … c’est un plus, enfin je suppose …

Le studio était sombre, l’atmosphère lourde et le gars en face de lui, vachement chiant. Il tapotait du pied toutes les deux secondes, faisait valser son stylo entre deux doigts et le mâchouillait en prime de temps à autre. Les roulettes de son fauteuil glissaient d’avant en arrière, son tempérament impatient et excessif s’exprimait en long et en large dans son attitude d’instable. Après des paroles inutiles et une longue série de « hum » et de « euh » épuisants, il finit par se lever et tendre la main vers Silas. Le jeune homme tendit la sienne et ils conclurent le contrat. Ça y est, il était embauché. Ça serait toujours ça de plus …

Dans la rue, sa canne rétractable faisait office de labrador. Silas fouilla dans le fond de sa poche et en extirpa son téléphone, il compos un numéro qu’il connaissait par cœur. Les intonations fatiguées mais enthousiastes qui lui répondirent lui firent esquisser un sourire. Elle faisait semblant de faire autre chose, de la poterie soi-disant … mais il la connaissait bien trop pour croire qu’elle n’était pas installée sur son canapé, à attendre qu’il l’appelle pour lui donner des nouvelles.

- C’est bon, je suis engagé !

Elle poussa un cri de ravissement, ça serait un grand plus pour eux ! Silas travaillait dans un studio maintenant et ça, pour leur loyer, ça ne serait pas négligeable. Il l’entendit bouger à l’autre bout du fil, s’afférer à il ne savait quoi. Elle finit par lui lancer sur un ton précipité :

- Bouge pas, ducon ! Je débarque dans cinq minutes et on va direct manger au resto pour fêter ça !

⊱ Cal - Lightofthewolrd*out*
ÂGE : 18 ans. PRÉSENCE : Aussi souvent que possible, of course =D. OÙ TU AS CONNU LE FORUM : My sexiest Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1680990705 . CRÉDIT DE LA FICHE : Tumblr. UN DERNIER MOT : Gosling ? Irons ? Abel ?.

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Dernière édition par Silas V. Wentz le Mer 3 Avr - 19:04, édité 3 fois
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B. Sloane Ellison
B. Sloane Ellison
when you were young.

messages : 382
célébrité : ashley benson.
âge du personnage : vingt ans.

⊱ part of you
⊱ relations:

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.   Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. EmptyMar 2 Avr - 17:48

HANDSOME D'AMOUR DE MA VIE TU M'AS MANQUÉ WESH Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3873737534
Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620

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me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 306864989 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4051058714 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 678438848 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1225476380 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1587678716 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1577976350 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 855954212 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1337353524 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1996929543 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 84801269 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4237294796 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3794364538 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3851505450 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1143955373 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2039368356 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 470289548 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3423055579 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2985380317 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3245363184 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3980502730 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1143955373 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 971802780 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3079949295 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1680990705 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2414592069 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3144802872 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3771480948 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 780040203 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 306864989 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4051058714 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 678438848 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1225476380 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1587678716 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1577976350 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 855954212 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1337353524 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1996929543 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 84801269 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4237294796 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3794364538 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3851505450 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1143955373 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2039368356 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 470289548 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3423055579 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2985380317 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3245363184 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3980502730 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1143955373 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 971802780 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3079949295 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1680990705 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2414592069 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3144802872 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3771480948 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 780040203 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 306864989 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4051058714 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 678438848 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1225476380 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1587678716 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1577976350 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 855954212 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1337353524 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1996929543 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 84801269 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4237294796 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3794364538 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3851505450 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1143955373 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2039368356 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 470289548 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3423055579 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2985380317 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3245363184 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3980502730 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1143955373 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 971802780 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3079949295 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1680990705 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2414592069 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3144802872 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3771480948 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 780040203 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 306864989 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4051058714 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 678438848 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1225476380 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1587678716 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1577976350 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 855954212 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1337353524 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1996929543 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 84801269 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4237294796 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3794364538 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3851505450 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1143955373 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2039368356 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 470289548 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3423055579 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2985380317 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3245363184 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3980502730 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1143955373 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 971802780 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3079949295 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1680990705 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2414592069 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3144802872 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3771480948 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 780040203 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 306864989 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4051058714 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 678438848 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1225476380 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1587678716 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1577976350 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 855954212 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1337353524 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1996929543 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 84801269 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4237294796 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3794364538 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3851505450 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1143955373 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2039368356 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 470289548 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3423055579 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2985380317 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3245363184 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3980502730 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1143955373 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 971802780 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3079949295 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1680990705 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2414592069 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3144802872 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3771480948 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 780040203 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 306864989 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4051058714 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 678438848 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1225476380 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1587678716 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1577976350 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 855954212 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1337353524 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1996929543 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 84801269 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4237294796 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3794364538 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3851505450 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1143955373 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2039368356 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 470289548 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3423055579 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2985380317 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3245363184 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3980502730 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1143955373 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 971802780 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3079949295 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1680990705 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2414592069 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3144802872 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3771480948 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 780040203 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 306864989 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4051058714 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 678438848 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1225476380 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1587678716 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1577976350 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 855954212 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1337353524 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1996929543 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 84801269 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4237294796 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3794364538 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3851505450 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1143955373 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2039368356 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 470289548 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3423055579 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2985380317 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3245363184 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3980502730 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1143955373 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 971802780 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3079949295 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1680990705 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2414592069 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3144802872 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3771480948 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 780040203 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 306864989 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4051058714 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 678438848 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1225476380 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1587678716 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1577976350 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 855954212 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1337353524 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1996929543 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 84801269 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4237294796 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3794364538 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3851505450 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1143955373 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2039368356 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 470289548 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3423055579 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2985380317 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3245363184 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3980502730 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1143955373

edit : IRONS Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2985380317 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3245363184
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Silas V. Wentz
Silas V. Wentz
when you were young.

messages : 58
célébrité : à voir

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.   Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. EmptyMar 2 Avr - 17:50

Abuser ma sexiest !!! toi aussi tu m'as trop manqué Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2985380317 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2985380317 un petit mp de temps en temps c'était carrément pas suffisant !!! Je me sentais eulone Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2985380317

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1996929543 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1337353524 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1996929543 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 84801269 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3245363184

Tu joues Benzo now ? Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1504638670

J'aime ton message d'accueil !! Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 296810657 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2092765696

Tu me files un coup de main : Gosling, Abel ou Irons ? Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1072645571
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when you were young.

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.   Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. EmptyMar 2 Avr - 17:51

CEKICEKICEKICEKICEKICEKICEKICEKICEKICEKIIIIIIIIIII Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 ??????
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B. Sloane Ellison
B. Sloane Ellison
when you were young.

messages : 382
célébrité : ashley benson.
âge du personnage : vingt ans.

⊱ part of you
⊱ relations:

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.   Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. EmptyMar 2 Avr - 17:52

Mais non, c'était pas suffisant du tout, no way, not possible Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3873737534 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3873737534 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3873737534 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3873737534

Benzo et Dianna oui Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 296810657 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3423055579 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 618597034

J'espère bien Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 780040203 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4051058714 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1996929543 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 84801269 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1337353524 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3980502730 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1072645571 Arrow Je dirais Irons sans hésiter Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2985380317 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3680973982

C'EST BYBY D'AMOUUUUUUUUUUR, C'EST CALOUNEEEEEEEEET Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

when you were young.

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.   Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. EmptyMar 2 Avr - 17:55

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620
Bienvenue parmi nous mon lapiiiiiin et bonne chance pour ta fiche !
Au moindre problème, n'hésite pas à consulter un membre du staff, faut bien qu'on serve à quelque chose Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3423055579
Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 273359840 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 971802780 What a Face Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 260171460 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2414592069 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2414592069 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3079949295 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3680973982 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 213705937 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3737705121 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4018016761 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3144802872 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1573091825 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3147621435 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3771480948 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2716998030 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3713826725 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3969691092 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3880797148 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2088524457 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 780040203 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2651265476 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1369997165 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 306864989 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4051058714 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 747630884 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1832907973 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2191293744 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 678438848 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1587678716 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2985380317 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1577976350 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1225476380 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 618597034 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4053069311 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1996929543 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 855954212 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1337353524 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3061894883 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2568500349 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3627558051 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 630857163 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 84801269 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4261226012 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 233717613 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2315344305 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2793756506 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1188187105 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4237294796 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3531816975 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3794364538 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1346395664 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3339415209 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1577803127 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1504638670 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1145185063 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3245363184 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3957280388 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2092765696 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2786441599 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3980502730 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3019591674 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3851505450 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4164596736 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 470289548 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 57886012 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1567916761 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1143955373 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2727656175 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2039368356
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Silas V. Wentz
Silas V. Wentz
when you were young.

messages : 58
célébrité : à voir

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.   Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. EmptyMar 2 Avr - 17:57

Blake : héhé j'ai été euh ... ton frère et ton futur beau-père aussi ! Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1680990705 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4018016761

Sexiest : Vraiment pas Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2985380317 En plus je parlais plus du tout à Bere à cause de tout ça ... oui parce que bizarrement, j'envoyais des mps qu'à toi ( en même temps t'étais la seule à te co XD )

Benzo et Agron ... jackpot Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 618597034 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1337353524

Ok Irons +1 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1587678716

Yeah Byby ça fait bizarre maintenant d'ailleurs Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2985380317

Deb : Merciiiii Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 618597034 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 221155302 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 221155302 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 221155302 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 221155302 Je me doutais bien que tu pouvais pas m'avoir oublié si vite !! *sort loin*

T'inquiètes pas, je vous harcèlerais si j'ai besoin de quoi que ce soit !! D'ailleurs, si t'as une préférence entre Max Irons, Jake Abel ou Ryan Gosling, n'hésites pas à me filer ton avis Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 618597034

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1188187105 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 233717613 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1188187105

ça fait plaisir de vous retrouver en tout cas Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4237294796
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Dale Wesbury
Dale Wesbury
when you were young.

messages : 2
célébrité : Colton Haynes.
âge du personnage : 23 ans.

⊱ part of you
⊱ relations:

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.   Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. EmptyMar 2 Avr - 17:59

ABEL PAR PITIE. Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3079949295
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Silas V. Wentz
Silas V. Wentz
when you were young.

messages : 58
célébrité : à voir

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.   Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. EmptyMar 2 Avr - 18:01

Oh yeaaaaah j'ai réussi à faire venir un autre nouveau sur ma fiche !! Trop bien Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1587678716 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 618597034 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 je me sens puissant là ! *sort loin*

Abel +1 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1577976350

Merci et bienvenue à toi aussi collègue nouveau Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1188187105
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when you were young.

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.   Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. EmptyMar 2 Avr - 18:03

RYAN Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620
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Silas V. Wentz
Silas V. Wentz
when you were young.

messages : 58
célébrité : à voir

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.   Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. EmptyMar 2 Avr - 18:07

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3423055579 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3423055579

Un partout pour le moment Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3423055579 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3423055579

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1504638670 Vous cartonnez Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3339415209
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B. Sloane Ellison
B. Sloane Ellison
when you were young.

messages : 382
célébrité : ashley benson.
âge du personnage : vingt ans.

⊱ part of you
⊱ relations:

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.   Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. EmptyMar 2 Avr - 18:11

Moi j'dis, tu prends Ryan ou Irons, je te viole avec mon autre compte.
Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1072645571 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 971802780 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1680990705 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1996929543 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 84801269 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 780040203 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1337353524
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when you were young.

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.   Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. EmptyMar 2 Avr - 18:12

Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Silas V. Wentz
Silas V. Wentz
when you were young.

messages : 58
célébrité : à voir

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.   Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. EmptyMar 2 Avr - 18:15

Sexiest : Avec la Agron ? Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1680990705 Argument de taille là !!! Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 780040203

Blake : Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 618597034 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1587678716

Je vais attendre l'avis de Lenouille aussi ! Elle aura peut-être une illumination Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745
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Sofiàna Els-Ford
Sofiàna Els-Ford
when you were young.

messages : 11
célébrité : la pheebs.
âge du personnage : la vingtaine.

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.   Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. EmptyMar 2 Avr - 18:18

bhé moi je m’incruste pour dire ....

ryan je t'épouse, jake je te fais des bébés et max, je te fais les deux Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 14939620 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3079949295 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1680990705

okayyyy, je soooooooors. Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2414592069
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B. Sloane Ellison
B. Sloane Ellison
when you were young.

messages : 382
célébrité : ashley benson.
âge du personnage : vingt ans.

⊱ part of you
⊱ relations:

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.   Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. EmptyMar 2 Avr - 18:18

Bien sur avec la Agron Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 296810657
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Silas V. Wentz
Silas V. Wentz
when you were young.

messages : 58
célébrité : à voir

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.   Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. EmptyMar 2 Avr - 18:22

Sofià : Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1680990705 Je sens qu'on va beaucoup s'entraider tous les deux ! Surtout vu notre haut degré de certitude infaillible Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3423055579

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1504638670 Mais ce que j'en retiens, c'est que dans tous les cas ... j'aurais droit à de l'action ! héhé Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3339415209 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1072645571

Sexiest : Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3245363184 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 84801269 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1337353524 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1996929543

Comment refuser la Agron ? Humainement, c'est impossible Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2985380317
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Sofiàna Els-Ford
Sofiàna Els-Ford
when you were young.

messages : 11
célébrité : la pheebs.
âge du personnage : la vingtaine.

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.   Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. EmptyMar 2 Avr - 19:59

maintenant c'est à moi de t'aider, but .. tu connais mon choix -maisc'estvraiqu'onétaitmalpartis- Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 971802780

ooooooh ouais. Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2414592069
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S. Addison Williams
S. Addison Williams
when you were young.

messages : 136
célébrité : dianna agron.
âge du personnage : vingt-cinq ans.

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.   Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. EmptyMer 3 Avr - 12:14


Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 4030177773 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1072645571 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3423055579
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Silas V. Wentz
Silas V. Wentz
when you were young.

messages : 58
célébrité : à voir

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.   Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. EmptyMer 3 Avr - 13:18

Sofià: héhé !!! Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1680990705 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 260171460 J'ai choisi maintenant ! Mon perso sera Irons Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2651265476

Et j'oublie pas ce que tu m'as promis Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 747630884

Sexiest : Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 780040203 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 780040203 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 780040203 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 780040203 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 780040203 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 780040203 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 780040203 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 780040203

Revenir en haut Aller en bas

B. Sloane Ellison
B. Sloane Ellison
when you were young.

messages : 382
célébrité : ashley benson.
âge du personnage : vingt ans.

⊱ part of you
⊱ relations:

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.   Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. EmptyMer 3 Avr - 19:16

Je te valide mon beau Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 618597034 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 630857163 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 3680973982 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 780040203
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Silas V. Wentz
Silas V. Wentz
when you were young.

messages : 58
célébrité : à voir

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.   Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. EmptyMer 3 Avr - 19:16

Oh yeaaaaah Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 1680990705
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

when you were young.

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.   Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. EmptyMer 3 Avr - 19:17

Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745 Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. 2553778745
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Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that. Empty
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Silas ♣ People told me slow my roll, I'm screaming out. fuck that.

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